With last weeks release of the Da Vinci Code movie, I find more and more people are getting caught up in the hype of it all. Local churches are dedicating sermons to de-mystify or debunk the claims laid out in the book, and now movie, and people are just jumping at the opportunity to proclaim the church and bible as false.
What I find the most fascinating is the level of passion that non-believers seem to have embraced in spreading the word that the church is a rouse.
For the majority of these people, does it really matter if the legitimacy of the church changes ? Does it change the way they live their lives or how they raise their kids ? I don't understand peoples need to crap on the faith of others. One of the most annoying quotes that I hear over and over, and am actually guilty of having said myself, is "it's not religion that bothers me, it's organized religion". The best response I have ever heard to this was "How's David Koresh - is that disorganized religion enough for ya" ? Kinda deep for a guy who was 1/2 in the bag at the time. Too funny. Anyway, my point is that most people who use this line are full of shit. Most practice no religion at all and have no use for God in their lives, so why not just be honest and say so instead of making excuses. Most of these people's lives would be greater impacted if Diet Coke was removed from the market over the bible being proven as false.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not standing up on a Christian soap box here trying to preach. If people actually got struck by lightning for saying, or even thinking, inappropriate things...I am waaay over due. I am a non-Christian, but I've learned to approach religion with enough respect to understand it makes a difference in a lot of people's lives and the world would be a much different place if people didn't, or for matter - did, believe in something greater than themselves.
Coming Soon : "Fat Bastard"
Intruguing, I shall keep tuned via RSS.
You've jumped into blogging with both barels firing! I'm looking forward to more. :-)
Interesting subject, would like to hear more!
Great picture! What are you trying to do, a kung fu fighting thing?
LIke the blog - and the link to PB - great way to keep the world updated with you.
hey blaine,
its' di here. never knew you were so philosophical. what i find hypocritical but most choose to ignore is that religion or church moreso is used when one feels the need (getting married, funerals) yet ignored after.
just adds to the lifestyle of convenience many practise (add cell phone addiction to this). as a practising catholic i enjoyed dan browns fictional novel but do understand the church's position. it's basically anti-catholics and non-believers that believe everything he says in his book. these folk don't understand the "trinity" and probably don't care.
let them have their views. makes for entertaining discussions. if anything, the da vinci code has solidified catholicism as it has reminded many non-practising and practising catholics what being christian is all about: faith.
jesus probably wasn't married but there's always a chance. yet, it doesn't matter because the central message is his sacrifice on the cross. the rest is faith.
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