Friday, June 13, 2008

I hate the way the train smells when its raining

I hate the way the train smells when its raining. The moisture seems to draw out and enhance all the smells. In paticular the smell of the smokers, the dirt on the train, the booze soaked stench of the whinos ( and some university students ) and the BO are all more promenent.

No one opens the windows so the air gets stale and raunchy. Yuck !

When will it end.......

Friday, June 06, 2008

No Talent Ass Clown

Last Friday I saw this guy on the train platform wearing a t-shirt that read "No Talent Ass Clown" and at the time I wasn’t sure if it was meant to address the reader or the wearer - but it made me laugh out loud.

On further investigation it appears that the origin of the saying was from the 1998 Movie "Office Space", which by the way is totally worth a rental, and was in reference to Michael Bolton - which makes it even funnier.

The scene from the movie played out like this :

Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Samir Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar.

Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.

Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.

Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

Samir: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?

Michael Bolton: No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.

Too funny !

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why it takes me so long to blog

So here I stand on the train, where I do most of my writing, looking at the list of unpublished articles I've written wondering why the hell I sit on these for so long. And then it came to me, it's the editing and fine tuning that "I feel" I need to do before I deem them as post-worthy. ( I blame Nate and Paul for this - more to follow on that reasoning)

I know it's probably not noticeable from my previous posts but after I've written the meat of an article I spend a whack of time, time I don't really have - hence the lack of postings, polishing up the vocabulary, grammar, spelling, etc and making sure I don't just rattle off useless bullshit that nobody cares to hear anyway. Lastly, I'll reword it to be sure I don't offend anyone with the content or language and find a picture to go with it. Sometimes after all the editing, there is nothing left to post !

The reality is that anyone who reads my blog who knows me, has had a conversation with me, and knows I do not have the polished presence I am trying to portray. My vocabulary sucks, most of my conversations lack focus and at some point I will inevitably throw in a bizarre analogy that'll make you scratch your head.

Ok, back to Nate and Paul. It's not "really" their fault, its my own because I admire their ability to write. I work with both of these guys and read their blogs, although Paul posts less than I do !, and strive to meet the quality of their work. It ain't gonna happen so I need to move on. It doesn't mean I won't continue to try and better myself - that'd be stupid.

Paul once told me to blog for myself and not for others. So here it is, my first un-polished post and now that I've set the bar on what you can expect from me I feel liberated.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Can men and women be friends ?

Can men and women "just be friends" or are we simply advanced biological Lego blocks that inevitable want to be clicked together? To bond in one form or another.

Can two people of equal looks be friends or can it only remain a friendship if one is out of the other's league ? Should you be concerned if your hot girlfriend is friends with that nerd down the street who rides his Pee-wee Herman style bike everywhere and still lives with his mom, or more so about the neighbour who mows his lawn without a shirt and looks like Brad Pitt ?

Is it possible for a man and a woman to be friends and there be no physical or emotional attraction ? Will the relationship always be marred by sexual tension ?

The truth is I don't know.

I personally believe the key to whether this is possibly comes from a persons understanding of what friendship means. Once you understand and appreciate the meaning of friendship and how rewarding a good friendship can (and should) be, then you can be a friend to anyone regardless of gender, race, age, social status, or sexuality.

I believe I have the ability to be a good friend to both men and women alike and that I am the type of friend that a friend is glad to have.

But, I've been wrong before :)

Interestingly, I found this article from Psychology Today that addresses this same question.

Shooting Pelicans

Last summer we visited the camp that my oldest daughter was going to be going to and as part of the tour we got to see the archery and rifelry ranges.

Later that day as we got back into the car to make the trek back home, my youngest daughter looked at me with this troubled face and asked "why will they get to shoot Pelicans ?"

"....Pelicans ?" I asked to which she replied "yeah, you know, like that crazy bird on Nemo.

"No dear.......they get to shoot pellet guns, not Pelicans."

Has it really been that long ?

May 2007 ? Wow - has it really been that long since I have posted anything ?

Strangely enough I have actually been blogging away on my Blackberry during my daily commute but haven't posted any of my writings. I'm not sure if I re-read them later and thought they were shit, or whether I was just too lazy to post them.

Well, regardless of the reason, I'm back and I'll be posting all the crap I've written.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Race day fast approaching

I picked up my race package today for my first 10K this Sunday.

I'm nervous.
I'm excited.
I'm ready.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Dr. Berstein Diet

I decided to do something that at first I thought was a little radical but with some research, which included talking to a couple of people I know who had been on the diet, I decided to join the medically supervised Dr. Bernstein weight lose clinic.

Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows how hard it can be. It takes a very long time and by the time you have met your goal you are so tired of dieting and exercising that you stop both and end up packing the weight back on. If you’ve ever read a book about how the body processes, stores and burns fat ( like Fat Wars, Sugar Busters, etc ) you will know that the body is very complex and certain methods work for some and not for others.

My personal reasons for choosing to go to Dr. Bernstein were :
  • I wanted exercise and weight loss to be 2 separate things for me. I needed to lose weight, but I also wanted to exercise for the enjoyment and health benefit.
  • My wife and I wanted to start being more of an example to our kids. They are both at a healthy weight and we are pretty good with them not letting them eat a tonne of junk food, but still letting them enjoy treats as kids.
  • It’s a little hypocritical to teach your kids to eat properly and exercise while you yourself are obese.
  • I was starting to feel old and tired – 2 things I am not used to and just did not like.
  • My kids are 7 & 9 and I found I just didn’t have the energy to keep up with them.
  • I was starting to worry that I was going to have the big gripper one of these days.
  • It made sense to me to consult experts in weight loss and do it properly for the best results. Much like taking my car to a mechanic when there is a problem.

To start the program, you must book an appointment for an initial consultation which takes about an hour to review the medical history forms and health assessment and to have the nurse explain the program and answer all of your questions. You can start the diet on the same day as your consultation. It is a calorie-reduced diet based on foods you purchase in a grocery store. You are given the Dr. Bernstein Diet manual and recipe book. Inside, there is a very specific list of foods you can and cannot eat. There is also a PDF document that lists more foods that are specific to each province which gets updates fairly regularly. The diet is supplemented with a Swiss One 50 vitamin, potassium pills and B6/B12 injections. Your goal weight is set for every 2 weeks and then you come in to a clinic 3 times a week ( usually Mon, Wed, Fri ) where you weigh in and get the vitamin B shots. You also bring in a urine sample so the nurses can check your metabolic state and see if you are in Ketosis. Being in Ketosis means that your body's primary source of energy is fat and not lean muscle tissue. This is a good thing. The other benefit of being in a state of ketosis is that body consumes roughly 3000-4000 calories a day which not only helps you lose weight, it also helps with the hunger pangs. For more information on Ketosis click here.

At first when you read the details of the diet it does sound radical but I do believe that it is safe and that they really do monitor the state of your health closely. They do blood work every 6-8 weeks, or as needed, and you meet with one of their doctors every 2 -3 weeks. Specific urine tests are done every 2 weeks looking for anomalies like infection.

For me the results have been phenomenal, but I don’t believe they are typical. In 8 weeks l have lost 50 pounds and more than 6 inches on my waist ! My energy levels have returned, and I feel great. My wife has lost 25 pounds in 7 weeks which I think is more typical. They say that on the diet you should lose 16–20 pounds a month. One thing I`ve noticed though is that the weight loss is different than any other diet I`ve done as the fat just seems to disappear !

The downside of the diet is cost. They say the average person will spend $1000 to lose 35 pounds, but I think this estimate is a little low. There is also the cost of new clothes to keep in mind. Even though it is costly, I totally recommend it. The cost pales in comparison to the physical and mental health benefits. Here is a breakdown of the costs :

The fee for the initial consultation is $315.65. This includes the program orientation, medical assessment, the Diet Manual and Recipe Book, and your first week of service. This fee is non-refundable.

Ongoing program fees :

  • Eight weeks service $1123.50 (save $160.50)
  • Four weeks service $599.20 (save $42.80)
  • Two weeks service $310.30 (save $10.70)
  • One week service $160.50

Maintenance program fees :

  • One year service $749.00 (save $278.20)
  • Three months service $246.10 (save $10.70)
  • Two months $171.20

I start the maintenance plan next week, which is designed to re-introduce most foods back into your diet and to establishing long term eating habits, so I will post an article once I have experienced it myself.

Lastly, I would encourage people to be sure to research any diet they try before doing it, keep an open mind and make sure it`s right for you.

Click here for more information from the Dr. Berstein website.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thoughts in transit.

Its 10 PM and I'm just leaving work.

It’s been a good day. I'm lucky I work for such a great company and have co-workers I admire and respect.

Not like the selfish bastards I used to work for. I can't believe there are people out there like them.

I wish I'd have had a blog when I was there. I'd have posted some funny, yet disturbing stories. It would have been therapeutic.

The train is different at night. It makes me think. It makes me reflect on who I am and who I want to be.

Tonight the train is a sad place.

My train car is full of people who look like they've had a rough life.

They all look old and haggard from years of booze. Or at least it smells like it.

Many look like they've been ridden hard and put away wet, as my friend says.

Sometimes I wonder if I do enough for my community.

Sometimes I wonder if it would really make a difference or if I would be enabling them to be homeless, drunk, hopeless.

Are they hopeless ? I wonder if they feel hopeless ?

I bet if I poked that guy slouched over there he wouldn't feel anything, never mind feeling hopeless.

He looks dead. I hope he's not dead.

I feel uncomfortable now.

Ah, he's ok. Dead people don't burp.

I hope I'm downwind from him.

I bought the security guard in our building a Tim Horton’s coffee tonight. That's got to count for something.

Right ?

Just thinking out loud.

The Running Man

Another big change I made this year was that I started running.

This was originally inspired by yet another challenge with my brother-in-law when we agreed to run 10 K for the Mothers Day Walk & Run here in Calgary. The rules were simple - complete 10 K without stopping or walking with no time limit. The biggest challenge was that neither of us were runners and both on the "not so lean" side. My brother in-law has since dropped out of the challenge fearing that he'll have a gripper on the course since he hasn’t trained at all. So it has now become a personal challenge for me to complete the 10 K and collect my prize. Bwahahahahaha !

Anyway, I have been running now for 9 weeks and have covered just over 155 K ! This is a vast improvement over my previous efforts where I would go out and run for an hour until my legs felt like they were on fire, my shines felt like they had splintered and I'd puke when I stopped and never run again. There are a couple of reasons that I have been successful this time :

I bought proper, fitted running shoes. Actually I got them for Christmas so a huge thank-you goes out to my parent in-laws !

I found a great running plan. buddy Paul found a 13 week training guide to go from zero to 60 ( running minutes ) in 13 weeks specifically for the Mother's day race. So a huge thanks to Paul too !

The other thing that has been great is the Nike + running kit for my iPod. It keeps track of all my runs and then uploads them to my personal log on the Nike + site. I love music and have compiled a couple of running playlists that helps set my pace and motivates me to keep going even when I dont want to. I just found this online and am not sure if I can get a set in time for the big race. :)

If you are a runner theres a great site call Map My Run to help map out your runs and figure out your distances. Be sure to check it out, it's really cool

Just over 4 weeks to the big day !

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


2007 has been the year of change for me and one of the new things this year has been Yoga.

The health club that I belong to ran an introductory class so I decided to sign up along with 2 of my co-workers. My friend Paul has been practicing yoga for years now and strongly encouraged us to give it a try.

The form that we are doing is called Hatha yoga, which focuses more on gentle poses, stretching and breathing which is different than Ashtanga or Power Yoga. At first we joked around and called it "Sissy Yoga" but quickly realized how difficult it can be. I'm certainly glad I didnt take Ashtanga because I dont think I would have enjoyed it.

Our instructor is great. She is certainly good for beginners as she talks us through the different poses and occassionally will come by to help correct your position if needed. She sets a very calm environment with lowered lights, soft music, candles and has a very soothing voice.

Our 10 week class has just ended and I can see a huge improvement in my core muscles and balance so when I heard they had decided to offer more classes I had to sign up while there was still space - as did the other 2 from my office.


Friday, December 01, 2006

What I've learned

I was cleaning up my hard drive last night in preparation for upgrading to Windows Vista ( which is a whole other totally cool story ) when I came across a Word document called "What I've learned" which I thought was worth sharing.

What I've learned :
  • We don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
  • No matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you just forgive them for that.
  • True friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
  • You can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
  • It's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
  • You should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
  • You can keep going long after you think you can't.
  • We are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
  • Either you control your attitude or it controls you.
  • Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
  • Heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
  • Money is a lousy way of keeping score.
  • My best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
  • Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.
  • Sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
  • Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
  • Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
  • It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
  • No matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
  • Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
  • Just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
  • Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
  • Your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
  • Even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
  • Credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
  • The people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Untitled - but only because I have no idea what to call it.

I started my day different than usual and dropped my girls off at school this morning. As I stood there with all the other parents waiting for the bell to ring I watched them play with the other kids. It was a cold morning but seeing how happy they were warmed my heart.

I then slipped into my normal routine and hopped aboard the c-train and headed for work. Being a little later than usual today the train was a different crowd, full of what I presumed to be university students. The kids around me chatted with their friends, listened to their iPods and just seemed to be enjoying their youth. My own kids were still fresh on my mind and I could envision this being them one day and it brought a smile to my face.

And then downtown this girl gets on the train. She's dressed just like most of the other youth but she's different. She tugs at her hoodie, she fidgets with her clothing, and she pulls at her hair. She flips back her hood and I get a good look at her face. It looks as though she hasn't slept in days and she looks wasted in a way that I've never seen, except in movies. But most of all she looks visibly scared, she looks terrified, and she seems extremely confused. As a father and as a decent human being I felt this overwhelming need to reach out to her. To see if she needed help, if nothing else to let her know she wasn't alone.

Two stations later as the train pulled away I stood on the platform for as long as I could see her. I stood there wishing I would have done something.

Somehow I was hoping that writing about it would help me feel better.

It doesn't.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Casino fundraising - Morale stance or power trip ?

When it comes to using lottery funds for the betterment of Catholic schools in Alberta, is Bishop Henry what society needs ? Is he challenging Catholics, forcing them to live life as they should according to Christian doctrine ? Is he drawing the line that separates the true believers and followers from the attendees ? Or is he just another short guy in a robe on a power trip ?

My kids go to Catholic school so I got involved with the School council a couple of years ago now and have since been the chairperson for the council and am the current president of our fundraising foundation. The foundation is a registered society and our job is to do the big money fundraising and one of the ways we do this is through casinos. I don't know about you but I am tired of all the people who show up at my door looking for money and I am not sending my kids out to fund raise for things that a debt free province like Alberta should be providing. Our School uses these funds to purchase things like computers, overhead projectors, network lines, library books, gym bleachers, math & science resources - and the list goes on. These are necessities for a school to operate, not frivolous items.

If the public school sector is allowed to continue improving their schools with the extra millions each year that lottery funds provide and the catholic schools are stuck doing bottle drives, the quality of education between the 2 school boards will vary so drastically that I believe most parents would be forced to enroll their kids into the public system. Religion is something that can be taught at home, within the community and at church so I think it would be pretty easy for people to separate faith from a requirement in school education. If parents want to keep thier kids in a faith based education system but are forced to pay more, I believe they will then start to look at the many private and charter schools in Alberta where religion isn't a subject but woven into the very foundation of the school.

If the tension comes from the source of the money, then I have a solution. Take regular tax dollars and fund morally challenged groups, schools and projects with those funds. Take the lottery funds and fund things like homelessness, addiction programs, healthcare, research and public transit. It's not like you'll find his holyness stuffed in the corner of a crowded c-train fanning himself with his big pointy hat like the rest of us so he'll have no grounds to complain about the source of the funds used for public transit expansion.

I think the Bishop needs to be careful that his position on the use of lottery funds doesn't become the ultimate demise of the Catholic School system in Alberta.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ok, so no moustache

It has been brought to my attention that all but one member of the Village People has a moustache. Thanks for the excellent bit of research Paul.

That's fine, I don't think I could have grown a decent moustache anyway without looking like a Mexican - not that there is anything wrong with that !

On a side note l, I found these Village People toys online and am not sure if they are real or a spoof, but man are they funny.

Manbag or not, the bag is still a keeper.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The "Manbag"

I bought myself a new shoulder bag from Mountain Equipment CO-OP a couple of weeks ago and am finally starting to feel comfortable with it. I moved away from the traditional soft briefcase to a much smaller one that my co-worker has called my "manbag", which didn't really help my comfort level any.

I wanted to downsize to something that would be big enough for my keys, bus tickets, a book, a backup tape and my mp3 player - and not much more. Otherwise what happens is that I keep stuffing it with more crap until I start to wonder why its so heavy and realize that almost everything I haven't been able to find for the last 6 months has actually been hanging off my shoulder !

It's somewhat stylish ( it's blue and grey, not the black that is pictured here) and most importantly it's really light. And now that I'm over the fact that its not a big purse - it's totally liberating. Ok, truthfully I'm still considering growing a mustache or getting a neck tattoo so people don't think I'm one of the Village People, but the bag is a keeper.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Splashing in the kids pool

You'd be surprised how much fun an adult can have in the kids pool.

It was so hot last Saturday that I hopped into our kids 8'x4' pool with my 8 year old daughter. It started off just hanging out and relaxing which turned into snorkeling, then pseudo water polo and eventually escalated into running across the yard and diving over the inflated edge into 2' deep water.
In my mind my diving entry was as elegant as a penguin gliding off the ice into the water but I'm sure for anyone watching it probably looked more like the hippo splashing around at the zoo.

Two and a half hours later we were told it was time to get out for dinner which was met with a huge " we have to ??"

I'm not sure who had more fun, but what a great time we had !

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The CRAMinator

With the Calgary Stampede upon us I have an idea for a new Stampede ride called the CRAMinator.

The concept of the ride is to stuff a bunch of strangers into a hot box with very little circulation. 45% can sit, the rest have to stand and find something to hold onto. The brave ones will try to balance in the open only to step on your toes.

Ensure that some people are drunk, some like to fart, some have wicked BO, and throw in the odd shirtless guy with a hairy back.

The ride will start with a series of jerking motions then eventually it picks up speed and will cruise along rocking softly back & forth putting you into a calm, almost hypnotic state. Then without warning the ride will grind to a stop causing everyone left standing to hold onto something until they are white knuckled. Some people will get off the ride, but unfortunately more will jam themselves in until the doors are ready to burst. Occasionally the ride will stop mid way with no apparent reason.

You can expect long delays and long line ups all for the small cost of only $2 per ride. Tickets and passes can also be purchased for multiple rides if you enjoy punishing yourself.

Sound familiar ? It should - its called the Calgary C-Train.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My (Non) Progress report

So a buddy asked me yesterday how my publicly announced weight loss is coming. The only response I could come up with is that I haven't failed yet. You see l don't believe you can actually fail something you haven't started. A rather convenient ideology don't you think ?

The awful truth is that I haven’t done anything - no workouts, no improved eating habits, nothin'. The good news though is that I haven't been contacted by a realty TV weight loss show yet and I haven't had a gripper either. You can see I'm stretching for a positive here....

Today is Friday, I'll start on Monday. And then after I lose the weight I should really do something about this procrastination problem.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Twisted Reality (TV)

A couple of weeks ago I discovered this reality TV show called “Breaking Bonaduce” and then last week I caught another episode. And yes, before anyone comments, I do know it’s been on for a while now. Anyway, the premise of the show is to follow and film the highly dysfunctional life of Danny Bonaduce, former child actor turned radio host/psychopath. To say this guy's life is a train-wreak would be like saying Chernobyl overheated. I have no doubt that one day a jury will be reviewing seasons 1 & 2 as evidence.

The cameras follow them throughout their day and you just can’t help but wonder why on earth his wife stays with him. Something makes me think it is nothing more than absolute fear and the lack of a Spousal Protection Plan. During the episodes that I saw they actually even go to therapy but, my gawd, I think the only thing their therapist does is bill them heavily to fund his plastic surgery. I highly doubt Oprah will be promoting this therapist to compete with Dr. Phil ! I imagine that every single person Danny Bonaduce has personal contact with will one day also need to seek professional help.

As I watched the episodes I couldn’t help but think (hope) that at least 1 member of the filming crew's sole responsibility must be to carry a semi-automatic tranquilizer gun and be at the ready for when Danny snaps. I say semi automatic because with the amount of vicodine, booze and steroids this guy ingests I don’t think a single tranquiller dart could stop him. Oh yeah, and did I mention Danny’s a 3rd level black belt too ? Can you say “dangerous ” ??

I think the safest thing for everyone would be to trick Danny Bonaduce into thinking he’s a contestant on Celebrity Survivor and then drop him off on some deserted island where he can detox and punch coconut trees.

I don’t think you can really understand what a freakshow Bonaduce is without actually seeing the show for yourself. I'm ashamed to admit it but I think I'm addicted. However, if somewhere down the line he hooks up with Tonya Harding, Gary Coleman, Webster or Alf…… CLICK !.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fat Bastard

Fat Bastard is a term of endearment amongst some guys, a lovable villain from the Austin Powers films and an increasingly popular
wine enjoyed by yuppies. Sadly though, it is also what I have become.

I wouldn't say that I'm obese, but if I'm not careful its a path that I am most certain to travel down next. I imagine it's like riding the Luge, it starts off slow and you are conscious you are on the track. The speed picks up, the corners become a blur and the next thing you know you've crossed the finish line only now you are wondering why your pants don't fit anymore and where the extra chin(s) came from.

Over the years I have lost weight and gained weight. It can be done but I need a goal, a challenge. I always need that challenge. I lost a bet over a year ago now with my brother in-law which required me to shovel out a barn. It was an unpleasant task I never wish to repeat.
So I figure what better way to challenge myself this time than to make myself accountable to my friends and family, even though I'm not so sure that anyone aside from my mom and a few co-workers are actually reading my blog.

My plan is a simple one: eat healthy, count calories, drink plenty of water, get some sleep, and lots of exercise. Every adventure needs a starting point, so here's the ugly truth :

Weight: 258 lbs
Height: 6 '
Bicepts: 16"
Thighs: 26.5"
Neck: 17"
Waist: 44" ( measured somewhere across the hips)
Belly: 46" (measured across the belly button, which of course was emptied of all lint first)
Chest: 46" ( measured across the chest at nipple level - yeah...I said it.. nipple..)

Anyway folks, that's it. Wish me luck and check back for updates.


Sunday, June 04, 2006

A question of faith

With last weeks release of the Da Vinci Code movie, I find more and more people are getting caught up in the hype of it all. Local churches are dedicating sermons to de-mystify or debunk the claims laid out in the book, and now movie, and people are just jumping at the opportunity to proclaim the church and bible as false.

What I find the most fascinating is the level of passion that non-believers seem to have embraced in spreading the word that the church is a rouse.

For the majority of these people, does it really matter if the legitimacy of the church changes ? Does it change the way they live their lives or how they raise their kids ? I don't understand peoples need to crap on the faith of others. One of the most annoying quotes that I hear over and over, and am actually guilty of having said myself, is "it's not religion that bothers me, it's organized religion". The best response I have ever heard to this was "How's David Koresh - is that disorganized religion enough for ya" ? Kinda deep for a guy who was 1/2 in the bag at the time. Too funny. Anyway, my point is that most people who use this line are full of shit. Most practice no religion at all and have no use for God in their lives, so why not just be honest and say so instead of making excuses. Most of these people's lives would be greater impacted if Diet Coke was removed from the market over the bible being proven as false.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not standing up on a Christian soap box here trying to preach. If people actually got struck by lightning for saying, or even thinking, inappropriate things...I am waaay over due. I am a non-Christian, but I've learned to approach religion with enough respect to understand it makes a difference in a lot of people's lives and the world would be a much different place if people didn't, or for matter - did, believe in something greater than themselves.

Coming Soon : "Fat Bastard"