Fat Bastard is a term of endearment amongst some guys, a lovable villain from the Austin Powers films and an increasingly popular wine enjoyed by yuppies. Sadly though, it is also what I have become.
I wouldn't say that I'm obese, but if I'm not careful its a path that I am most certain to travel down next. I imagine it's like riding the Luge, it starts off slow and you are conscious you are on the track. The speed picks up, the corners become a blur and the next thing you know you've crossed the finish line only now you are wondering why your pants don't fit anymore and where the extra chin(s) came from.
Over the years I have lost weight and gained weight. It can be done but I need a goal, a challenge. I always need that challenge. I lost a bet over a year ago now with my brother in-law which required me to shovel out a barn. It was an unpleasant task I never wish to repeat.
So I figure what better way to challenge myself this time than to make myself accountable to my friends and family, even though I'm not so sure that anyone aside from my mom and a few co-workers are actually reading my blog.
My plan is a simple one: eat healthy, count calories, drink plenty of water, get some sleep, and lots of exercise. Every adventure needs a starting point, so here's the ugly truth :
Weight: 258 lbs
Height: 6 '
Bicepts: 16"
Thighs: 26.5"
Neck: 17"
Waist: 44" ( measured somewhere across the hips)
Belly: 46" (measured across the belly button, which of course was emptied of all lint first)
Chest: 46" ( measured across the chest at nipple level - yeah...I said it.. nipple..)
Anyway folks, that's it. Wish me luck and check back for updates.
1 comment:
Hi: I don't think I like the term fat bastard, even though it might be a term of endearment for some!
As far as you being a non-christian, we all have a set of beliefs and standards that we live our lives by, and because you don't attend church does not make you a non- christian.
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